
生活在主题住房社区中,可以为您提供与校园的额外联系,并通过与学生有目的的互动,帮助您建立更强的社区意识, 工作人员, 教师, 和管理员. 这些社区可以为你在最可靠的买彩票平台的学习提供资源和支持.



Ujima,发音为oo-JEE-mah,是Housing and 住宅订婚和the   African American Resource Center在新窗口中打开 . Ujima, one of the seven Nguzo Saba Kwanzaa principles, means “to build and maintain our community together, and to make our brother's and sister's problems, our problems and to solve them together." Ujima offers cultural, 教育, 以及探讨非洲侨民需求和经验的社会活动和讲习班, connects residents with Black students, 工作人员, 和老师, and empowers students to excel academically and socially at CSUF. Traditional programs include Ujima Smart Start, a summer welcome for the residents; Soulful Soiree; Boojima, a Halloween extravaganza; Melanin and Mental Health; and Ujima’s Got Talent. Ujima的居民将与他们的姊妹Ujima社区和其他主题社区进行互动.

Ujima 社区的好处:

  • Community: Build lasting, supportive relationships at CSUF with peers, 工作人员, 教师 和管理员
  • 学生成功:培养强大的学术技能,学习如何利用各种校园资源
  • 优秀黑人:参与各种项目和活动,使学生在追求学术和职业目标的过程中茁壮成长
  • Culture: Exploration of the intersectional traditions, art forms and history within the African Diaspora

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Contribute to their sense of belonging
  • 与不同的人建立关系,对多样性和公平有多元文化的理解
  • 更深刻地理解自我和对自己的身份感到自豪,能够有效地传达自己的个人价值观,通过自己的技能和经验增强
  • Model and develop spaces that en勇气 positive self-affirmation and advocacy


雅典娜的房子 is a welcoming and safe living environment that focuses on empowering, 教育, 让来自不同背景和文化的居民就性别平等和赋权问题建立联系. 雅典娜的房子, in partnership with the   WoMen’s and 成人 Reentry Center在新窗口中打开 , provides resources, support, engagement opportunities, and events. Just as the goddess Athena, this community hopes to inspire and cultivate the wisdom, 勇气, and strength of its residents. For additional information, please contact the WoMen’s and 成人 Reentry Center 工作人员 at  womenscenter@lkmjfh.com. 我们邀请那些谁认同为女性在寻找一个令人振奋的社区申请住在雅典娜之家.


  • Build your professional network with peers who have the same interests as you
  • Explore campus academic and co-curricular resources
  • Engage in campus and community events to support the mission of the floor

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Contribute to their sense of belonging
  • 与不同的人建立关系,对多样性和公平有多元文化的理解
  • 更深刻地理解自我和对自己的身份感到自豪,能够有效地传达自己的个人价值观,通过自己的技能和经验增强
  • Model and develop spaces that en勇气 positive self-affirmation and advocacy



彩虹之家是住房与住宅项目和建筑事务所的合作项目   Losquadro Keller LGBTQ Resource Center在新窗口中打开 . As a gender-inclusive floor, 彩虹之家旨在为不同性别经历和性/浪漫取向的学生提供一个支持和安全的空间. People who identify as lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, 无性/ aromantic, and allies to the LGBTQIA+ community, are en勇气d to apply for residency.

彩虹的房子 also offers cultural, 教育, 以及最可靠的买彩票平台LGBTQIA+群体需求和经历的社交节目, and connects with students, 工作人员, 和老师 who share these experiences or interests. 通过接触, 居民将更加意识到自己的社会身份,因为他们与他们在CSUF社区的经历有关, navigate in a safe space, and create a strong sense of community.

彩虹的房子 Benefits:

  • Eligibility to live with other lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿 无性/ aromantic, 和/或联合确定致力于创建LGBTQIA+包容性校园环境的学生
  • 高质量的节目和社区参与,进一步提高LGBTQIA+社区对问题的认识和知识
  • 直接访问Losquadro Keller LGBTQ资源中心和周边社区的资源
  • A supportive community where you can further learn about your sexual orientation, 性别认同, gender expression and romantic orientation
  • Opportunities to partake in community events and serve as student leaders

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand varying issues faced within the LGBTQIA+ community
  • Understand the importance of community and  civic engagement
  • Understand how to engage in advocacy and allyship
  • Develop a greater self-understanding of one’s own identities and its intersections
  • Develop strong personal and professional relationships with peers, 工作人员, 和老师
  • Become aware and knowledgeable about supportive campus resources

Titans Unidos

Titans Unidos

Titans Unidos社区致力于通过编程和社区活动发展一个拥抱和庆祝多元化拉丁文化的社区. 以前举办的节目有泰坦遗产庆典和亡灵节庆典. 住在这个社区的学生将对影响拉丁裔社区的当前问题和事件有更深入的了解. 该社区还将通过与其他主题社区合作的有意规划,通过交叉视角了解整个拉丁裔社区的广泛多样性. 我们邀请那些认同拉丁裔社区的人,或者那些对理解和提升拉丁裔身份和文化感兴趣的人.


  • Gain a deeper understanding of current issues and events affecting Latinx communities
  • 通过与其他主题社区合作的有意编程,通过交叉镜头了解整个拉丁裔社区的广泛多样性

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Contribute to their sense of belonging
  • 与不同的人建立关系,对多样性和公平有多元文化的理解
  • 更深刻地理解自我和对自己的身份感到自豪,能够有效地传达自己的个人价值观,通过自己的技能和经验增强
  • Model and develop spaces that en勇气 positive self-affirmation and advocacy

APISAA Community

APISAA Community

亚洲, 太平洋岛民和南亚美国人(APISAA)社区旨在为自认为是亚洲人的学生创造一个空间, Pacific Islander or South Asian can learn more about the wide and vast APISAA diaspora. 住在这个社区的学生将参与教育和肯定的节目,庆祝APISAA侨民的广泛多样性. Examples of previous programs include the APISAA Mosaic Festival. 该社区的居民还将通过交叉规划和活动与其他主题社区互动,旨在庆祝APISAA Community中边缘化身份的贡献. 我们欢迎所有认定为APISAA的居民申请居住在APISAA Community.


  • 参与教育和肯定节目,庆祝广泛的多样性在APISAA侨民的马赛克
  • Community with other students who identify as Asian, Pacific Islander or South Asian

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Contribute to their sense of belonging
  • 与不同的人建立关系,对多样性和公平有多元文化的理解
  • 更深刻地理解自我和对自己的身份感到自豪,能够有效地传达自己的个人价值观,通过自己的技能和经验增强
  • Model and develop spaces that en勇气 positive self-affirmation and advocacy

Titan Transfer Gateway

Titan Transfer Gateway

Titan Transfer Gateway是一个生活和学习社区,专注于通过编程和社区活动为转学生创造充满活力和引人入胜的住宿体验. In collaboration with TAPP (Transfer, 成人, Parent and Pregnant Student Center), HRE将为您提供机会,最大限度地利用校园时间,为您提供专注于学术成功的优秀泰坦体验, personal growth and career development and exploration. 活动和事件将集中在校园,更大的富勒顿地区和南加州.


  • 活动和事件集中在校园,更大的富勒顿地区和南加州
  • 有机会最大限度地利用你在校园的时间,给你一个优秀的泰坦体验,专注于学术成功, personal growth and career development and exploration

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Contribute to their sense of belonging
  • 与不同的人建立关系,对多样性和公平有多元文化的理解
  • 更深刻地理解自我和对自己的身份感到自豪,能够有效地传达自己的个人价值观,通过自己的技能和经验增强
  • Model and develop spaces that en勇气 positive self-affirmation and advocacy

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